New research shows that video game players are more likely to engage in collective action on global warming, while industry tries to
QScale is building a 130-acre data centre campus in Lévis, Quebec, where it will use warmth from servers to grow more than
Our research shows emerging technologies such as blockchain, digital twins, satellite imaging and cloud computing can play a critical role in measuring
Far beyond mere permission, we should have the right to fix our own stuff
Let’s re-examine how our policies can move towards supporting complementary low-carbon technologies
Our planet faces an energy dilemma. We’re undergoing a large-scale transformation driven by increased industrialization, urbanization and digitization and we’re on pace
As refrigerators go, so goes the kitchen. At least we hope so, as fridges are the great success story of appliance efficiency
The Worldwatch Institute, an environmental think tank based in Washington, D.C., put out a press release earlier this month posing an attention-grabbing
Solar panels are cool. Smart phones are sexy. Electric cars turn heads. Shipping pallets? Well, not so sexy or cool or eye-catching.