Natural capital, which ought to be scientifically measurable and systematically analyzed, is neither taken into account in the public debate about outsourcing,
Could India be the first major nation in the world to fully integrate natural capital accounting into its system of national accounts
As a Republican, a banker and an environmentalist, I can tell you that I have spotted the modern day grail – which
Countries that choose to optimize the natural benefits of their renewable energy resources in the 21st century will have a comparative advantage
Two years after attending the 1992 Rio Earth Summit, Jose Maria Figueres was elected president of Costa Rica, a small country in
In June 2012, the Natural Capital Declaration (NCD) was launched at the Rio+20 Earth Summit. Since then, 41 CEOs of financial institutions have endorsed
Blueprint for clean capitalism
Corporate Knights defines clean capitalism as an economic system in which prices incorporate social, economic and ecological benefits and costs, and participants know
Most executives would agree, even if not openly, that we have a systemic design flaw in our economy. It is set up
In China last spring, Prime Minister Stephen Harper declared: “We want to sell our energy to people who want to buy our