OPINION | Moving quickly to support capital investments in green and transition activities will help us maintain competitiveness and hit our net-zero
If you’re in need of inspiration or pragmatic information about concrete climate action, here are a few new books that may light
Big switch away to clean electricity is coming – and will make energy more affordable to Canadians: report
We can stop burning fossil fuels rapidly to preserve civilization and a livable climate
If anything, the energy crunch shows we need to invest more in the green transition, not less
The fractured coal region of Lusatia is resurrecting itself as the now home to the entire supply chain of electric vehicles
Each country with a fossil-fuel-centred economy will need to find ways to transform itself while minimizing the disruption to its citizens
Recognition that a massive transition is now is spreading like wildfire. The feds should take note.
A jobs-rich rail innovation strategy will help get our economy back on track