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China emissions Corporate Knights
Have China’s emissions peaked as oil demand ‘ground to a halt’?

New analysis found fossil fuels and cement emissions fell 3% in March, driven by expanding solar and wind generation, as well as declining construction activity

corporate lobbying climate InfluenceMap Corporate Knights
ClimateSummer 2024
The backroom battle for Canada’s climate future

Climate-forward corporations the world over are raising their voices against trade groups that undermine climate policy. So far, corporate Canada is holding its tongue.

The moment of truth is now here for plastic pollution

OPINION | A recent study that found microplastics in men’s testicles is the latest to drive home the reality that we can’t recycle our way out of this health threat

Pierre Poilievre voted against the environment nearly 400 times

Over 20 years as MP, the Conservative leader voted against moving Canada closer to its climate targets, while voting to weaken environmental safeguards, records show

How climate change is rocking the wine industry

Drought conditions, heat waves and smoke from forest fires have heavily impacted grape yields in Canada and beyond, forcing an age-old industry to turn to new technologies and methods to survive

water crisis Mexico City Bogota Corporate Knights
Taps running dry in Mexico City, Bogotá, as heat dome pushes cities closer to 'Day Zero'

Reservoir levels are dropping fast, but both cities are turning to lessons from Cape Town’s 2018 water crisis

fast fashion Shein Corporate Knights
Circular Economy
As fast-fashion giant Shein looks to go public, the industry's eco claims come under the microscope

With more regions cracking down on the fast fashion industry, getting listed on the London Stock Exchange could spell trouble for the retailer

FinanceSummer 2024
Clean energy stocks are making a comeback

It’s been a rough few years for the sector, but expectations of lower interest rates and long-term demand for renewable energy is helping turn things around

Vermont is on the cusp of making Big Oil pay for climate disasters

If a new bill survives inevitable legal challenges, the state would become the first in the nation to make fossil fuel companies pay into a climate superfund

EV electric vehicle Ontario Honda Corporate Knights
Honda EV plant will cement Ontario's place at the forefront of the energy transition

OPINION | If the Japanse car manufacturer sees an electric mobility future in Ontario, then you can bet that they’re sure it’s pretty much already here

sustainable food system World Bank Corporate Knights
FoodSummer 2024
The World Bank cooks up a recipe for a climate-friendly food system: Cut red meat subsidies

A new paper lays out a roadmap for how the world can reduce emissions from food partly by redirecting the subsidies given to the meat and dairy industries


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