30 under 30 nominations

Nominations for Corporate Knights' 2024 Top 30 Under 30 Sustainability Leaders in Canada are now open.

Every spring, Corporate Knights invites the public to nominate young sustainability leaders to our annual 30 under 30 list.

Again this year, we're recognizing in particular those whose work aligns with the UN Sustainable Development Goals. You can read all about the top sustainability youth leaders of 2023 here.

What kind of work qualifies you for Corporate Knights 30 under 30?

We welcome nominations from anyone taking on a leadership role focused on advancing a more sustainable world.

Our 2023 and 2022 30 Under 30 included Indigenous leaders, scientists, clean tech innovators, academics, engineers, educators, entrepreneurs, activists, just to name a few. But don’t let that list limit who you nominate – as long as the nominee is working on making the planet a better place through a sustainability lens and can demonstrate that they have been a leader in this regard.

What’s the age cut off?

Anyone who is 29 or younger as of November 7, 2024. Teens are encouraged to apply, as well.

What is the nomination deadline?

Nominations are now closed. They will reopen April 2025.

We will contact finalists in August 2024.

If you don't make it onto the 2024 list, feel free to reapply again next year!

Which regions are eligible to join?

If you live in Canada (most of the time, anyway), you can be nominated. We aim for the final list to represent Canada’s geographic and racial diversity.

What do we mean by “sustainable”?

In 2015, all United Nations member states adopted the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, with 17 sustainable development goals (also known as the UNSDGs).  Purpose-driven companies and organizations around the globe have since been incorporating SDGs into their mandates.  Corporate Knights asks 30 30 nominees to tell us how their work is connected to those UN SDGs. To learn more about specific Sustainable Development Goals, visit the UN’s website.


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