
Why this investor advocate quit filing oil and gas shareholder proposals

OPINION | Investors for Paris Compliance has yet to see any large Canadian investors take meaningful steps to press oil and gas companies on net-zero


How slow, small-scale mining can meet demand in a more sustainable way

The slow fashion and slow food movements are an antidote to overconsumption. New research in Canada and Ghana suggests slow mining can also bring benefits.


Memo to Canadian mutual funds: Stop greenwashing with vague ‘ESG integration’ claim

A new policy from the Canadian Investment Funds Standards Committee says it’s no longer acceptable to claim ESG Integration if funds want to be considered ‘responsible’


Global 100

The world’s 100 most sustainable corporations

Best 50

An annual ranking of Canada's top corporate citizens


An analysis of committed versus actual federal government climate spendings

responsible funds

Top funds for the planet and your pocketbook

top 40 mba

An annual ranking of the world's most sustainable MBA programs

30 under 30

30 youth leaders making waves in sustainability

Future 50

Canada's fastest growing sustainable companies

clean 200

Top publicly listed companies by clean revenue

Sustainable Cities Index

The world’s first interactive, crowd-sourced sustainability index for cities

other ranking & reports

Corporate Knights reports, rankings and scorecards


Resources for all rankings and reports


Now in its 23rd year, the Best 50 tracks how Canadian companies are meeting the green transition challenge – as well as where they’re getting stuck in the process.


How fossil fuels have surged under both Trump and Biden-Harris administrations

U.S. oil and gas production is higher than ever, despite vastly different climate rhetoric from the Oval Office

Can weeds hold the key to turning farms into carbon-storage powerhouses?

Groups like PlantVillage are getting farmers to stop burning field waste and turn it into yield-boosting, carbon-storing biochar instead

U.S., Norway, Canada spending most taxpayer money on funding ‘false climate solutions’: report

Oil Change International study measured spending on carbon capture and fossil-based hydrogen subsidies over 50 years, despite evidence showing they “failed to make a dent in carbon emissions”

us election sustainable finance
What will the U.S. election mean for sustainable finance?

More havoc from Trump, as he vows to fight ESG. Stability and new possibilities from Harris.

Half a century ago, one U.S. senator fought to ban gas-powered cars and almost won

California’s Senate voted to ban the sale of gas-powered cars by 1975. Soon copycat bills emerged in nearly a dozen states. What happened?

Low-cost EVs on ‘verge of extinction’ as Canada slaps 100% tariff on Chinese cars

While debate rages on over whether tariffs are levelling the playing field or missing an opportunity, Canadians looking for affordable EVs have “almost no options left”

How do we finally get beyond tracking GDP and measure ‘inclusive wealth’ instead?

The leading alternative to measuring success through GDP growth is languishing over a technical disagreement – with grave potential consequences

The untold story of LNG’s impacts on healthcare in B.C.

OPINION |The expansion of BC’s liquefied natural gas industry is driving up healthcare system costs. If we value quality healthcare, it must end now.

In the shadow of a drought: How the Panama Canal is shoring up against a shifting climate

Innovation is the key as Panama aims to mitigate future droughts along one of the world’s busiest shipping routes

Corporate climate standards are falling short. What if we change how we incentivize net-zero action?

Researchers at the University of Oxford and the Swedish Exponential Roadmap Initiative are calling for reporting across a company’s “spheres of influence”

Circular Economy
What to do with old coal plants, gas stations in the energy transition? Recycle them

Abandoning exhausted energy sites is wasteful, unnecessary and costly. Recycling them would prepare the land to be reimagined

To take on floods and droughts, we have to stop fighting water and start embracing it

OPINION | Municipalities and businesses must work with the water cycle to bring water back into our landscapes, (un)paving the way to a resilient future


Our summer issue is packed full of stories about how cities are trying to keep their cool in record-smashing summer heat, the rising temperature on the debate between the Global North and South on resource development, and much more.


from the archives

How to Reduce Your Carbon Footprint
How to wean your house off natural gas (it’s complicated)

A practical guide to swapping your furnace (and A/C) for a heat pump

Canada's carbon tax: Who's paying (and not paying) | An illustration of a person sweeping dirt under a rug
Climate CrisisEnergyWinter 2022
Canada’s biggest emitters are paying the lowest carbon tax rate

Oil and gas producers pay among the lowest average carbon costs of any sector – and it’s threatening Canada’s climate targets

Climate CrisisWinter 2021
Breaking through our climate inertia

Climate scientists say we need to go further, faster, but social scientists say we won’t get there unless we heal divisions

Fall 2020Leadership
Of mice and men: Could COVID spell the end of animal testing?  

The vaccine race is accelerating the emergence of a new frontier in science looking at alternatives to animal modelling


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